The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) adopts a neutral stance with regards to the culling of badgers for control of bovine TB. As an association concerned with small companion animals, comment on the epidemiological aspects of transmission of infectious disease between wildlife and livestock is beyond our scientific remit.
The BSAVA does provide resources to its membership on legal, ethical and welfare aspects of individual sick or injured wildlife species (including badgers) in a practice setting and the health and safety of staff working with such animals.
10 November 2020
Background information
Bovine TB is a serious disease with animal welfare and public health implications that affect a wide range of species, including on occasion cats and dogs. There has been a great deal of discussion on the most appropriate methods of control for bovine TB, however the science is incomplete and open to interpretation. Further information can be found from the following sources:
Relevant statements
Reviewed by members of BSAVA Scientific Committee (Sarah Caddy, Alex German, Jeremy Kirk, Caroline Kisielewicz, Lisa Morrow, Sue Paterson, Ian Self, Melissa Upjohn, James Warland) 2020
Mullineaux E (2012) Badger Emergency Care. Companion: December p20-22.
Mullineaux E (2003) Badgers. BSAVA Manual of Wildlife Casualties Eds. Mullineaux, Best, Cooper. BSAVA.
BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pet and Wildlife Nursing (general information). Eds Varga, Lumbis and Gott. BSAVA.