BSAVA volunteering opportunities

Volunteering Opportunities with BSAVA

The BSAVA could not function without its volunteer community. Volunteers help in all areas of the Association and we are always delighted to hear from potential candidates about areas that are of interest to them. We are currently looking to fill several positions. Full information on the vacancies and how to apply can be found below.  If you would like to have an informal chat about any of the roles or talk to a current volunteer to find out how they feel about volunteering and what they feel they have gained from getting involved please contact the Volunteers Manager on

Time commitment

Members of committees are asked to attend meetings, the number of meetings will depend on the relevant committee and post, to be an active participant between meetings on email discussions and to work on any assigned projects and tasks. Appointments are for one year, renewable annually for up to three years but progression through the volunteer structure is encouraged and any training requirements are met through the Volunteer Development Programme.

In exchange for your time

You will be able to take part in the Volunteer Development Programme, which will provide training that may be useful in your day job and will equip you to progress within the Association, should this interest you in the future. You may also be eligible for complimentary attendance at CPD, complimentary registration for BSAVA Congress and in addition attendance at all committee meetings can be claimed as CPD within your RCVS log. Volunteering also affords you the opportunity to network with like-minded peers, often resulting in a catch up with university friends or making new links within the profession.