VMD: Launch of new Special Import Scheme
5 February 2024
VMD have launched a new digital service for vets seeking to apply for Special Import Certificates under the Special Import Scheme (SIS).
VMD have introduced enhancements to the digital service to make it easier to use, more secure and reliable, and to meet accessibility legislation. To learn more about the new Import Service, please go to: new import service (vmdconnect.uk).
Vets will need to register to use the new service. VMD have made this process quick and easy with automatic verification of surgeons and practices using data held by the RCVS. RCVS login details such as personal passwords, are not shared with the VMD. This step is solely to verify that users are UK veterinary surgeons, practicing in a registered premise. After the verification process, a digital services account will be created, and vets can then apply for Special Import Certificates (SICs).
In line with the current service, only veterinary surgeons may apply for SICs using VMD’s new digital import service. Veterinary surgeons in possession of an SIC are fully responsible for the importation and use of the product named in the certificate under the cascade. Non-veterinary surgeons may apply for an account and set themselves as a primary administrator, to create practice account(s) and invite and associate veterinary surgeons to those practice accounts.
The current online service will remain for our other services users, i.e. for those applying for a WDIC and RIC.
BSAVA would like to thank those members who participated in the VMD’s test pilot as part of developing the new system https://www.bsava.com/article/vmd-new-special-import-certificate-service/.