BSAVA Brucella canis Hub

24 June 2024

Brucella canis is an infectious disease and is an emerging issue for UK pets, owners and veterinary professionals. Given it is a zoonotic, it also has public health implications for the UK.

Since 2020, there has been a significant increase in the number of dogs in the UK diagnosed with Brucella canis, with most cases occurring in dogs from overseas, particularly eastern Europe. BSAVA has collated key resources on Brucella canis into one easily accessible area, our Brucella canis Hub, which covers information from the BSAVA, other organisations and Government Departments.

Resources include the BSAVA Scientific Information Document (SID) and the joint BVA, BSAVA, SPVS and BVNA Policy Position. Our BSAVA SID has been updated, mainly with updates issued by Government over the past few months, which will have been covered in BSAVA news articles as they became available.

Government information includes an APHA Summary Information Sheet (SIS), APHA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on testing for Brucella canis which cover diagnostics, how to submit samples for testing and reporting requirements.

Also included is the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Report on behalf of the joint Human Animal Infections and Risk Surveillance (HAIRS) group on the current risk to the UK human population from Brucella canis and UKHSA Information for the Public, Breeders & Dog Owners

Additional resources from BSAVA Congress lectures, Companion articles and relevant news articles covering key updates as they became available, are also accessible via the Hub.

Access to the Brucella canis Hub is available via the following link and direct access to the SID is available via the following link