New Chair for WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines Group
26 May 2020
Dr Richard Squires BVSc (Hons) PhD DVR Dipl. ACVIM Dipl. ECVIM-CA GCertEd, Associate Professor in Companion Animal Medicine, James Cook University, North Queensland, Australia, has been announced as the new Chair of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association’s (WSAVA’s) Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG). He succeeds Emeritus Professor Michael J. Day, who chaired the VGG from 2009 until March 2020.
Following graduation from the University of Bristol, UK, Dr Squires worked in general practice before undertaking postgraduate clinical training at the Universities of Cambridge and Pennsylvania and research training at Glasgow. His PhD was awarded for research in which he sought a retroviral aetiology for canine lymphoma. He held faculty positions at the Universities of Liverpool, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and at Massey University prior to joining James Cook University in 2007.
Having been a member of the VGG since 2012, Dr Squires has been actively involved in the creation of its Global Guidelines and its more recent Regional Guidelines. While some of its work for 2020 has been postponed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, VGG Committee members are working on the creation of online CE and preparing for a full review of the WSAVA’s Global Vaccination Guidelines.
Commenting on Dr Squires’ new role as VGG Chair, Dr Shane Ryan, WSAVA President, said: “Thanks to Michael Day’s exceptional leadership, VGG Guidelines are transforming vaccination practice and, in so doing, supporting the welfare of millions of companion animals around the world. We are delighted to welcome Richard to his new role of VGG Chair and look forward to working with him and the rest of the VGG team in the months ahead.”
Dr Squires said: “I am delighted and honored to have been asked to continue Michael Day’s outstanding work as Chair of the WSAVA VGG. I look forward to working with the WSAVA leadership, with VGG members and with our partner MSD Animal Health on the next phase of our work.”
For further information about the WSAVA, please visit their website here.