EJCAP Spring issue 2017: Companion animal rehabilitation
21 March 2017
From hydrotherapy to shockwaves and from laser treatment to cold packs – the range of physical therapeutic options to aid in the healing and rehabilitation of our patients are extensive.
Yves Samoy and colleagues from Belgium provide an overview of currently available tools and techniques in the latest issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice.
The issue also contains interactive papers on hypertension in cats with chronic kidney disease (Esther Bijsmans et al), prognostic variables in dogs with GDV (Joyce Verschoof et al) and the link between pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure (Michele Borgarelli et al). Test your knowledge with the interactive quizzes!
‘How to…’ – power podcasts
‘How to use hydrotherapy’ (Donna Carver) and ‘How to take nasal biospies’ (Ben Harris) are presented in the highly popular powerpoint & podcast series of BSAVA congress lecture recordings.
The myth of the ‘tongue worm’ is debunked in a paper by Ana Faustino from Portugal, while the FECAVA news page presents the new working group on Vector-borne diseases and the Didier Carlotti Medal.
Veterinary app & book reviews
Finally, the issue contains the quarterly review of apps of use for the small animal practitioner (this time, apps on cardiology, tick prevalence and a handy scanning tool) and books (on arthropod infections, veterinary anaesthesia and echocardiography).
EJCAP is published four times a year and is open to all veterinary practitioners, students and nurses in Europe and beyond. Please visit www.ejcap.org for more details.