COVID-19: Message from BSAVA President Sue Paterson
19 March 2020
BSAVA President Sue Paterson has today shared information and advice for the veterinary profession on the current COVID-19 situation.
“It’s an anxious time with many unanswered questions leading to uncertainty and concern – not just for personal circumstances, but also in continuing to support clients and provide the best possible care for their pets. It is incumbent on all veterinary staff to look after their own health so as to preserve staffing levels that continue to deliver a service which meets the standards of care we can be proud of as a profession.
“I would encourage all members of the profession to refer to the RCVS Guidance in dealing with situations where issues relating to COVID-19 arise.” RCVS Guidance can be found here.
BSAVA stress that there is currently no evidence of COVID-19 circulating in the UK pet population, only very limited evidence for transmission from humans to pet dogs, and none to suggest onward transmission from pets to humans.
BSAVA are currently working with Defra and CVO UK to provide technical advice to pet owners and veterinary practices on how best to manage some of the situations that can arise as a result of COVID-19.
Further updates and information will be made available on our BSAVA website here. These pages will be updated regularly as further information and advice becomes available.
Our most recent update with links to all these resources is available here.
“I recognise these are uncertain times for all members of our profession and the clients they serve, however we’ve successfully risen to many challenges in the past and have no doubt that it will be no different on this occasion – we are a resilient profession”.
Sue Paterson
BSAVA President