Coming to Congress: Proactive PR pack for members
29 March 2016
Positive, proactive public relations can be really powerful – helping to attain favourable media coverage that shifts public perception, inspires key people, achieves wider recognition, builds your audience and makes a difference to your bottom line. It is also about reputation management to achieve balance in the longer term.
So the BSAVA is launching a new resource exclusively for members, and presenting a session at Congress to help take the pressure out of participating in PR.
The Congress session and accompanying ‘how to’ guide for BSAVA members will equip you with essential information, practical advice and insider insight, together with strategic tools, techniques and templates, real life success stories and the motivation to harness the power of PR, helping you deliver great local media coverage to create a positive impression of the practice.
Delegates attending Ross Allan and Andrew Rea’s talk (Thursday 7 April, Hall 6, 4pm) will be entered into a draw to win two days of professional PR support for their practice.
The full PR pack is available for members to download here, with a limited supply printed and available from the BSAVA Balcony in the Barclaycard Arena at Congress.