BSAVA launches nursing case report development opportunity for BSAVA Congress 2020
22 August 2019
A new initiative at BSAVA Congress 2020 will enable aspiring veterinary nurses to present their interesting or novel cases at BSAVA Congress 2020. Applications are open until 4 November 2019.
The Case Reports session has been devised by BSAVA’s programme committee to support RVNs who wish to develop their presenting ability. It is specifically aimed at those with little or no experience of presenting and includes mentorship support for the selected candidates.
Claire Woolford RVN VTS (Anaesthesia), who sits on the BSAVA Congress Programme Committee said: “Case reports represent an engaging and interactive method for nurses to discuss unique cases or new techniques. What’s particularly special about the initiative at Congress 2020, is that we want to use the case report platform to support aspiring veterinary nurse speakers who could become speakers at Congress or other BSAVA events”.
‘We are particularly encouraging nurses with limited experience of presenting and offering the positive environment of Congress for them to develop their skills. All successful candidates will be assigned an experienced mentor who will aid them in preparing the final report to present at Congress’’.
A total of 8 winning applicants will be selected by the BSAVA Congress programme committee to present their case report. Each successful applicant will be given a 15-minute slot to present at Congress 2020, together with a complimentary Congress nurse pass for the whole of Congress for BSAVA VN members, or for Saturday 4 April for non-members. The presenter of the best case will also be awarded a BSAVA Manual of their choice.
For a chance to be involved, BSAVA is asking nurses to submit a brief synopsis of their case by 4th November 2019. The Case Report must focus on small animal cases, but any species and discipline can be discussed. Full submission information is available at
BSAVA Congress will be held at the ICC Birmingham from 2-5 April 2020.
For information on how to become a BSAVA member visit
The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) exists to promote excellence in small animal practice through education and science. BSAVA was founded in 1957 as a professional body to serve veterinary surgeons treating companion animals, and now includes veterinary nurses. BSAVA has over 10,000 members. The majority of members work in practice as veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses.