BSAVA help vets and nurses prepare for changes to RCVS CPD requirements
9 January 2020
New annual CPD hourly targets have now come into force, replacing the previous system of a rolling 3 year requirement. From 1 January, veterinary surgeons will need to complete 35 hours of CPD a year, whilst veterinary nurses will have a 15 hour target.
The new CPD model also introduces outcomes-focused CPD, with the addition of a ‘reflect’ element in the ‘plan, do, record, reflect’ cycle. Although this won’t be compulsory until 2022, BSAVA are helping vets and nurses prepare for the changes early by making learning objectives clear and encouraging reflection within our CPD offering.
Launched at Congress 2019, all BSAVA speakers are asked to include opportunities for delegates to reflect at the end of their course. Reflective questions are also included in the new Learn Online courses, which launched in January 2020. Also new for 2020 will be reflection slides at the end of all BSAVA Learn @ Lunch webinars.
Lucie Goodwin, BSAVA Head of Education, said: “It is very important to us that all our courses and resources reflect the needs of our members and the profession at large. We design our courses in accordance with RCVS requirements and work closely with our speakers to ensure they are delivering the best possible learning experience. That way, our members and users can always trust that, when they come on a BSAVA course, their needs are taken care of.”
To find and book a BSAVA course, please visit our education page here.