BSAVA Congress 2017 Podcasts now available

3 May 2017

BSAVA members can now download and stream the BSAVA Congress 2017 lecture Podcasts. The majority of all veterinary, nursing and management lectures are included with 350 audio recordings available along with 350 video podcasts with lecture slides and audio combined.

This fantastic free resource is great for catching up on lectures you missed at Congress, revising a specific subject area or for getting a flavour of the first-class CPD at Congress.

Alongside the recordings from Congress 2017 there is also an extensive archive of audio recordings dating back to Congress 2011.

BSAVA members can access these podcasts for free by logging into the BSAVA website.

If you’re not a BSAVA member, you can access the podcasts for just £88 by contacting us, alternatively you can find out more about becoming a member.