BSAVA adds new imaging series to Client Information Leaflets

8 November 2021

BSAVA has added four new diagnostic imaging leaflets to its popular client information leaflet library. They cover imaging techniques: radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and are part of a new series of leaflets focused on veterinary procedures.

The new leaflets are designed to be used as part of the veterinary consultation and provide information to help owners understand what is involved in the examination, including the reasons for the procedure, the preparation required, any associated risks, and what happens during and after the examination. They are available in a PDF format, which can be printed and stamped with the veterinary practice details or emailed to clients.

“The client information leaflets produced by the BSAVA are great: every practice needs to give consistent, practical advice to clients booking their pets in for a procedure and this is one less thing to worry about! Job Done!&” said Julian Hoad, Chair of the Publications Committee.

The new leaflets are available via the BSAVA Library here. Access to the entire range of client information leaflets (including canine and feline behaviour, exotic pets and medicines) is available for an annual subscription of &£40; BSAVA members have access to these leaflets as part of their membership benefits.

The procedural client information leaflets are constantly being added to. The next series will be on endoscopic procedures. Suggestions for procedures for which a client information leaflet may be useful are welcomed – please send any suggestions to